We are in the home stretch now, only 28 days left! I went to the Doctor today and Charlie has dropped and is still head down and ready to go. I am not currently dilated but I have been contracting a couple times an hour for the last few days. The doctor said there is no need to worry until they are 5 minutes apart for an hour. Here's to hopping we have a few more weeks before he shows up though, we are not quite ready!
According to the Doctor I should still be expecting an average size but very hyper baby if his heart rate is any indication, it was 180 bpm today! According to babycenter.com Charlie is now 19 inches long and about 6 pounds and should be gaining about an ounce a day. As of next week Charlie will be considered full term and Josh and I are so looking forward to getting to that point. Below is the picture I took today right at 36 weeks, I can tell now that Charlie is definitely grown some.

In other news, I start going to the Doctor every week, which I am hoping will make the next four weeks fly by. We are also finally going to take our hospital tour this weekend so we know where we need to go when the time is here, Josh and I both think this is very important. We also have a few busy weekends ahead so that should also help pass the time, lets just hope we have one relaxing weekend before Charlie makes his appearance!
36 weeks down 4 to go!
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