Our Christmas Eve was spent with the Wood Family at Bobbie and Billy's house. We had great food thanks to Bobbie and a wonderful time with family. We also opened some gifts, poor CP was taking a nap so I opened up his for him. I am pretty sure he knew something was up because his nap was short lived and he was ready to play. Mommy and Daddy even got a gift for a night, Josh and I will be taking advantage of a nice meal at the Melting Pot at some point in the next few months. After we left Bobbie and Billy's we came home and relaxed for a few minutes and then got ready for Church. Josh, Shug and Pops got to enjoy the Candlelight Service while me and CP played in the back of the Church, he didn't want to sit still so I let him sit and play in the Brides room. We got home from Church and I put CP down for bed Josh got to work on putting CP's gifts together.
Christmas morning we were up as usual at 6:00, I let Josh sleep a little while I made a Coffee Cake, which is tradition in my family. After everyone was up we opened presents. Charlie got more little toys that made noise and he also got an Anywhere Chair from us, a Rocking Horse from his Shug and Pops and a Car from PePa and RaRa, needless to say we are converting the second guest bedroom into a playroom this weekend to accommodate all CP's new toys. After opening gifts CP when down for a nap and we ate breakfast and got downstairs cleaned up. Charlie got up from his nap ready to play and play he did, after about 2 hours he was ready to sleep again so I laid down wit him for a short nap that turned into 2 hours. Based on how much Charlie slept on Christmas day I would say he had a lot of fun and his first Christmas was a success.
On Tuesday we will leave for the beach to celebrate Christmas, my Birthday and New Years with the McKenna family so look for more Christmas updates in the next week. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I know we did and we count our blessings everyday for all that was given to us this year.