Monday, December 19, 2011
First Hair Cut!
Somebody was in desperate need of a little shape up, he could no longer pull of the Trussville swoop. His hair just seemed to always fall right back to his eyes. It has been a long time coming but like the good mommy I am I just couldn't do it until he turned one!
We ventured over to Kuttin' Up and saw Ms. Carlee who also happens to cut daddy and brothers hair. Since he is still so little he got to sit in mommy's lap which is pretty much his location of choice! Ms. Carlee went to work on my very cooperative little boy and after ten minutes his hair was whipped into shape and he could see again!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Class Party!
Charlie's 3K Class celebrated the birth of Jesus before they started Christmas Break. They has Pizza, apples and a Birthday Cake. All the kids had a great time and it is such a great way to teach them the true meaning of Christmas.
There were a few extra special guests that got to come and celebrate too! I am not sure if they enjoyed it as much as the big kids but they were good sports while they watched them eat!
This little guy even got to enjoy some of the food too while sitting in his big brothers seat. He is growing way to fast and he is loving every minute of turning into a big boy, mommy not so much I want him to stay a baby forever! And just a side not check out those blue eyes, they are killer in person and I know he is going to break some hearts, he is such a flirt already!
Charlie even brought some gifts for his teachers even though they were celebrating Jesus. I was only able to get him with Mrs. Jill, he could not stand still long enough to take a picture with Mrs. Rhonda he is just such a busy kid!
He might not have wanted to sit still though because a certain little brother of his was playing with all the big kids and he needed to rush over to him to get his play on! Happy Birthday Jesus!
Hip Hip Hooray for Coleman's 1st Birthday!
I told you guys I would be back to do a full birthday post on our youngest little boy! It was a great day spent with family and friends to celebrate the first year of Coleman's life. I am pretty sure he will not remember much of the day but for mommy it will be forever ingrained in my mind!
The theme for the party came from a stuffed animal that my mom gave Coleman shortly after he was born. It was a Hippo made like a sock monkey and was very fitting for a winter birthday party. The guest of honor was decked out in a hippo outfit smocked by his RaRa but when cake time came he was stripped down to a diaper, and loved it!

Little man loved every bit of his cake and had I left him in front of it he probably would have finished the whole thing! I would not have blamed it as it was so very good and I enjoyed it as much as he did, he takes after his mommy loving sweets. His big brother could care less about them, which still blows my mind!
There was sure some excitement at the party, we had a rocket launcher which all the kids loved and a little excitement when my dad caught him self on fire! I will definitely be sharing this story with Coleman when he gets older and I hope he laughs as much as I did when it happened!
Now that I have talked about the party lets move on to the boring details of the first year of life that are for mommy so she can always remember. At one year, my little boy is still not walking but is a very fast little crawler and is pulling up on everything and getting into everything within arms length. He will eat just about anything in sight but refuses to drink milk, which is driving me a little crazy. He absolutely loves his brother and will laugh at just about anything he does, which really is my favorite thing in the world!
He is still a little bit but you would never know that when you watch him eat! He has yet to creep his way on to the chart but he is just the size he is suppose to be at 16lbs12oz and 28 1/4" long. I mean lets face it he really doesn't have much chance at being super tall since it doesn't run in the family! Luckily this go round we aren't going to be running all the test that we had run on Charlie so that is a relief. We have just determined that our kids our small and that is just perfect for us!
We love you so much little boy and are looking forward to watching you grow and change and explore as you enter your second year of life. Just promise me one thing you won't grow up to fast, mommy is just not ready!
Little man loved every bit of his cake and had I left him in front of it he probably would have finished the whole thing! I would not have blamed it as it was so very good and I enjoyed it as much as he did, he takes after his mommy loving sweets. His big brother could care less about them, which still blows my mind!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Happy Birthday Coleman!
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