Another week down and hopefully not much longer to go. I am 38 weeks pregnant and I have officially hit the point of being uncomfortable all the time. I am pretty sure my stomach is stretched out as far as it can go now. Poor Charlie has no more room to grow, I can tell he is trying to stretch in there to get some more room but I just don't have any more room to give. On top of me being stretched to my limit, I have also been fighting a cold all week, which I am hoping is on its way out! Below is a picture of me and Charlie I took today just in case anyone was wanting to see how big I am now at 38 weeks.

Last weekend Josh and I headed to Chattanooga for my last Shower, and again we have been blessed with wonderful friends and family who care so much for us and our little boy. Charlie got some more clothes, a play mate, his baby monitor, diaper bag, his Jog stroller, which is really for me, a sunshade for the beach and several other wonderful gifts. I actually got a few pictures from this shower so I have added them for every ones viewing pleasure.

My mom was in town on Friday and Saturday as we were throwing a shower for Megan this weekend and we got a chance to do a few last minute baby things on Friday. We got the pattern for what will be the window treatments in Charlies room that she is making. We also made our way to the outlets where I got a few more clothes for Charlie that we both thought were just to cute and necessary to pass up, his closet is now officially full. After the outlets we headed to Babies R Us where we found a steal on the highchair I wanted, it was 50% of so we couldn't pass that up, it was an extra floor model so Josh doesn't even have to put it together. We ran a few more errands and had a fun yet busy day together. It is always fun to have a play day with your mom. My mom also finished up the bassinet skirt, below is what it looks like on the bassinet. I personally think it turned out great and am so grateful that I have a mom who can sew, especially since I can't.

Josh and I are pretty sure we have wrapped everything up and we are now just waiting for Charlie. We both now have the carseat bases installed in our cars and we met with the pediatrician on Friday to get to know him. Here's to hoping there is nothing we have forgotten, all I really need to do know is pack my hospital bag and we should be ready. My next appointment is tomorrow and I am hoping that all is still going well and I will have nothing but good news to report after it.
Happy Mothers Day, here's to 12 days or less before we get to meet our little boy!