I figured Brother needed a post of his own for his 30 week updated! I can't hardly believe it but we have hit the 30 week mark in this pregnancy and things are going just as smooth as they did with CP. If I had to compare my pregnancy's to this point I would say they are pretty similar, the only slight difference it that I have been more tired this go round but with CP I wasn't working and I didn't have a 2 year old to chase around and I have noticed way more braxton hicks.
Brother is doing just fine according to Dr. Stone, aside from the fact that I don't look 30 weeks pregnant I am measuring right on track with my due date which means brother is growing right. He is moving and shaking all the time now and CP loves to watch his brother dance at night while we are watching TV. I myself have found that his kicks, punches and rolls have gotten increasingly stronger and some days they just out right hurt, but this is one issue I am willing to deal with as long as he is a happy and healthy little boy!
At our first appointment we briefly discussed induction, as most of you know I was induced with Charlie and had a great experience, we are planning the same course of action this go round. Dr. Stone said that he would have to wait until 39 weeks this go round so unless Brother decides to come on his own before then we are looking at 9 weeks left to go until we get to meet this little guy. In one breath it seems so far away and in the next I really can't believe how close that actually is especially with fall and the holidays coming!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Big Boy Bed!
Seeing as it has been almost a month since I last updated I thought it was high time I give everyone a glimpse into our slightly chaotic lives right now. Life with our two year old little boy is quite busy right now and he isn't so much a little boy anymore, which is making me sad that he is getting so big.
A little over a week ago we transitioned from the Crib to the Big Boy Bed! This meant that Charlie would be moving out of his nursery and would be moving down the hall to a new room that is still in progress. It also meant a few sleepless nights for Mommy and Daddy! The first night went well, it was on Sunday and he slept all night and didn't wake up until Josh went to get him the next morning. Night two, well it was a disaster to say the least. He ate late, which meant he went to bed late and he had trouble falling asleep and at about 12:00 I heard the baby gate clanking at the top of the stairs and a child screaming on the monitor. It took me 3 hours to get him back to sleep. Night 3 went much better, CP fell asleep in bed at 7:10 which was 20 minutes before bed time, I guess when you stay up all night you will do that, and we didn't hear from him until we woke him the next morning. Night 4, there was no screaming we just had a little visitor in our room around 1:00 who would not go back to bed until 3. At this point I was not sure how many more sleepless nights this Momma could handle and then night 5 we turned a corner and we didn't have a visitor until 6 night 6 was much the same except he visited us at about 5 but went back to sleep so I was fine with that. We have since but a child lock over his door knob so he can't get out of his room until we come and get him in this morning.
Last night was the big test for both CP and me, I started out laying in bed with him and stayed until he fell asleep and then I moved to the floor and would sit and wait until he would fall asleep before leaving. He has always cried before he goes to sleep and I knew once he figured out he could get out of bed that he would never stay in his bed, he never figured out how to get out of his crib so we always just let him cry for his usually 5 minutes and he would go to sleep. Well last night I sat with him for a few minutes and then told him that I was going to go and would be back "soon" and that he needed to stay in his bed until mommy came back. I knew it might be a stretch for him but I shut the door and walked about. CP wailed for a good 15 minutes before I didn't hear him anymore. I went to check on him before I went to bed expecting that he would be on the floor next to the door asleep but much to my surprise he stayed put in his bed and was fast asleep.
CP is still pumped about his big boy bed and loves his Choo Choo sheets! We still have yet to finish up his big boy room but I have a feeling in the next few weeks it will be coming together and will be all finished up. We need to clean out the closet and get a few pieces of furniture from Chattanooga still and move out a few things and he will be all set!
A little over a week ago we transitioned from the Crib to the Big Boy Bed! This meant that Charlie would be moving out of his nursery and would be moving down the hall to a new room that is still in progress. It also meant a few sleepless nights for Mommy and Daddy! The first night went well, it was on Sunday and he slept all night and didn't wake up until Josh went to get him the next morning. Night two, well it was a disaster to say the least. He ate late, which meant he went to bed late and he had trouble falling asleep and at about 12:00 I heard the baby gate clanking at the top of the stairs and a child screaming on the monitor. It took me 3 hours to get him back to sleep. Night 3 went much better, CP fell asleep in bed at 7:10 which was 20 minutes before bed time, I guess when you stay up all night you will do that, and we didn't hear from him until we woke him the next morning. Night 4, there was no screaming we just had a little visitor in our room around 1:00 who would not go back to bed until 3. At this point I was not sure how many more sleepless nights this Momma could handle and then night 5 we turned a corner and we didn't have a visitor until 6 night 6 was much the same except he visited us at about 5 but went back to sleep so I was fine with that. We have since but a child lock over his door knob so he can't get out of his room until we come and get him in this morning.
Last night was the big test for both CP and me, I started out laying in bed with him and stayed until he fell asleep and then I moved to the floor and would sit and wait until he would fall asleep before leaving. He has always cried before he goes to sleep and I knew once he figured out he could get out of bed that he would never stay in his bed, he never figured out how to get out of his crib so we always just let him cry for his usually 5 minutes and he would go to sleep. Well last night I sat with him for a few minutes and then told him that I was going to go and would be back "soon" and that he needed to stay in his bed until mommy came back. I knew it might be a stretch for him but I shut the door and walked about. CP wailed for a good 15 minutes before I didn't hear him anymore. I went to check on him before I went to bed expecting that he would be on the floor next to the door asleep but much to my surprise he stayed put in his bed and was fast asleep.
CP is still pumped about his big boy bed and loves his Choo Choo sheets! We still have yet to finish up his big boy room but I have a feeling in the next few weeks it will be coming together and will be all finished up. We need to clean out the closet and get a few pieces of furniture from Chattanooga still and move out a few things and he will be all set!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
26 Weeks!
You read that title right, I am 26 weeks pregnant with this little guy and in hopefully less then 14 weeks he will be gracing us with his presence one way or another, either under his own direction or with a little help from modern medicine. He is letting his momma know more and more that he is officially in charge of my body and I no longer have control of how I feel! I am increasingly more tired these days and it doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get. I guess I better get use to the exhaustion because I am sure it is going to stick around for sometime after he arrives. Not sure if Big Brother still completely understands what is about to happen but he will tell you that "brother" is in my belly if asked and I have a pretty good feeling he is going to ask to have him put back once he arrives and is living in his world!
As for a potty training update, we are still going strong and using the potty consistently and even asking to go now. On the weekends and at night we let CP wear underwear and he has only had one accident to this point, and his pull ups stay dry for the most part all day long. We are headed to the beach tomorrow so I have 4 days with him and I am thinking that I can make some more headway while we are there too in terms of number 2 because that is still a bit of an issue. He usually tells us he needs to go but he is going when he tells us so we need to work on giving us just a little more warning. And that is us in a nutshell right now, bear with me a little longer on the post not being frequent, our computer crashed last week so we are computer less at home right now!
As for a potty training update, we are still going strong and using the potty consistently and even asking to go now. On the weekends and at night we let CP wear underwear and he has only had one accident to this point, and his pull ups stay dry for the most part all day long. We are headed to the beach tomorrow so I have 4 days with him and I am thinking that I can make some more headway while we are there too in terms of number 2 because that is still a bit of an issue. He usually tells us he needs to go but he is going when he tells us so we need to work on giving us just a little more warning. And that is us in a nutshell right now, bear with me a little longer on the post not being frequent, our computer crashed last week so we are computer less at home right now!
CP at Uncle Jo and Aunt Kris's Wedding

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