Charlies first Valentines day was also his 9 month birthday and he was a very busy little boy. On Valentines day and his 9 month birthday he headed to Atlanta to help his cousin Lane celebrate her 4
th birthday and he got to visit with all his cousins,
PePa and
RaRa and his aunts and uncles. Charlie got to enjoy the big blow up bouncy and he loved sliding down the slide with his daddy and jumping with mommy, sadly we forgot our camera so we don't have any pictures. After a fun filled day of playing and hanging out Charlie was pretty tuckered out and slept on the ride back home.
On Sunday we decided to head to Babies R Us and pick up a swing for Charlie so he could enjoy the swing set in the back yard. Josh and I decided to give it a try since it was such a pretty day and boy does that boy love to swing he was all smiles and giggles the whole time. I know he will enjoy swinging all the time once spring gets here.
In Charlies ninth month he has learned to do so many new things. By far my favorite new thing he has started to do this month is to give "hugs", I just love when he buries his little head in my chest to show his affection. He continues to be a vocal little boy, he really likes to see just how loud he can get and how much attention he can. In the last week or so he has started to do what I would call waving and he also likes to shake his head no. When he shakes his head no Josh and I ask him a series of questions and it is like he continues to say no to every thing, we think it is funny but hey we are his parents. He has also started to raise his arms when he is ready to be picked up, I will say Charlie up and he lifts his little arms waiting for me to grab him. Our little boy is truly
beginning to grow up so much and he will be 1 before we know it and we thanks God everyday for letting us be his parents. He continues to be a joy and make what seems like a bad day the best day ever when he gives us a smile or a big belly laugh.
I love my new swing

Such a little Dare Devil

Look at me standing

Hey did you see what I did

I am getting so close to crawling forward

Playing the drums on the table

I have picked out my instrument

The neglected Child made it in to this post