Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Butternut Squash

Charlie is the size of a Butternut squash this week. That is about 15 inches long and 2.5 pounds. Charlie is now growing and gaining a significant amount of weight each week. He is continually putting more and more fat on his little body and practicing to breath for when he makes is debut in May. His head is continuing to get bigger so that he can make room for his brain that is growing by the day. His bones are getting stronger so I am encouraged to eat more calcium daily to keep up with this development.

Charlie has started to make me a little more uncomfy these days. He has started to get up under my rib cage with what I assume are his feet and when he does that there is no getting comfortable for mom. I know it is all for a good cause so I try not to complain to much. I have also started to have some Braxton Hicks contractions,which is typical for this stage of pregnancy, they aren't painful but my stomach does get rock hard for a minute or two and then goes back to being the way it was before.

On another note I am working on Charlies blanket and trying to get about 10 rows finished a week in hopes that it will be ready for his arrival. I am also reading all my books and to date my favorite as far as info goes has been Babywise. It is teaching me how to get the baby on a schedule and the common mistakes some parents make in the first few weeks. I highly recommend it to any pregnant women, a big thanks to Molly for telling me about it. Below is a picture of me at 29 weeks for those who want to see how he is growing, there is not much of a difference from the last one I took. I am going to try and post these weekly or biweekly.

Also we had a nice little snow yesterday, Josh and I were surprised to wake up to so much. Dixie had a lot of fun especially chasing the snowballs that the kids were throwing for. She definitely thought they were toys and tried to play with them. Here is a picture of the house from Saturday and a picture of Dixie playing.

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