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Friday, February 29, 2008

3rd Trimester

I have made it to the 3rd trimester and couldn't be happier. I am 28 weeks and Charlie is now about 15 inches and 2.5 pounds, the size of a Chinese cabbage. He is now able to open his eyes, which now have eyelashes, this is really just a reflex though he isn't doing it for any good reason. He is also putting on more fat so that he can get warm once he is born and no longer in his current comfy climate.

Charlies kicks continue to get stronger, some have even been so strong they catch me off guard. I will have to say so far my favorite thing about being pregnant in the last few weeks is being able to watch him move from the outside. Every night before I go to bed I will sit and try to watch him for 30 minutes, some nights he cooperates but I swear some nights he knows I am watching him and he won't move until I get frustrated and quit looking. I guess the stubbornness starts early so I will just have to get use to it.

I go for my 28 week appointment on Monday and after that I will start going every two week. I am thinking this will make the next 12 weeks fly by and before we know it we will be meeting our little man and posting pics for all to see.

28 weeks down 12 to go!

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