Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Day 2011!

On Monday like most everyone knows here in Birmingham we had a snow/ice day. This snow and ice lasted for a good part of the week and here it is Saturday and we still have a few patches in the back yard where the sun had yet to hit it and melt it.
On Monday we took advantage of having daddy home and we played out in the snow with our tractor and make shift sled, since Josh was unable to find one in his venture earlier that morning. Charlie loves the snow and it was pretty hard to get him to come back in, Coleman on the other hand slept the whole time we were outside (he was bundled up so he was pretty warm).

By Wednesday we were going crazy being stuck in the house unable to go any where. Charlie and I were grateful that he was finally able to go back to school on Thursday and get out of the house for a little bit. Now that it has almost all melted I am so glad and dare I say it but I am ready for Spring so we can spend our days playing outside and not destroying the house!

Trying to ride his tractor with little luck!
The make shift sled aka Tupperware tub
Going for a ride
C-Man all warm and asleep!

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