My Crazy Three Year Old!
And just like that three years have gone by and our once 6lb5oz little baby is now a big boy! I know I already did the Birthday post but his three year check up wasn't until June because I wanted to take him and Coleman at the same time.
Charlie's check up went well and he is a perfectly healthy little guy, he is right where he should be in terms of growth and development, can't believe we were so worried about him at one because he was so tiny. He wasn't to keen on Dr. Joe this go round, Josh actually had to hold him for the exam, I guess as they get older they realize what is going on and fight a little more.
We got through the exam and then it was on to the finger prick and one shot, he screamed bloody murder, I actually think Coleman did better then him and he had to get three shots. After shots and the finger prick he just wanted to go home and go night night (he asks to do this when he gets hurt now too). That quickly changed and he decided he wanted Chick-fil-a and Yogurt Mountain, on a normal day he would have never gotten both but I felt so bad I had to give in. I still can't believe he is growing up so fast I just wish time would slow down.
Weight at 3 - 32lbs
Height at 3 - 37 2/3"
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